Minimally invasive replacement of two bottom front teeth with a bonded bridge
- Age18 - 29
- GenderMale
- EthnicityUndisclosed
- HeightUndisclosed
- WeightUndisclosed
- Dental Bridges
- Tooth-Colored Fillings
- Dental Crowns
- Inlays and Onlays
- Dentures
- Dental Exam
- Dental Cleaning
- Dental Bonding and Contouring
- minimally invasive veneers
- bonding
- Conservative Veneers
- Natural Cosmetic dentistry
- Dental Bridge
- dental bonding
- cosmetic recontouring
- Diastema Closure
- dental bonding
- porcelain veneer
- esthetic dentistry
- cosmetic dentistry
- Dental Crowns
- cosmetic dentistry
- Cosmetic
- bridge
- ceramic
- porcelain
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Minimally invasive approach to replace missing bottom front teeth. In this case, Dr Estafan chose high strength ceramic, combined with porcelain characterization in a bridge that doesn't involve cutting down the adjacent teeth. This type of bridge doesn't come out and is also known as a Maryland Bridge or a Resin-bonded bridge. It is cleansible and has very good esthetics. In addition there is no gray line or metal in it. The patient was thrilled with the result and even happier not to sacrifice healthy tooth structure. One advantage of this treatment over implant treatment is that this did not involve any surgery. Implants are frequently the treatment of choice when replacing teeth, but not in all cases. Here there is insufficient bone available - and implant treatment would have required extensive grafting, increasing both the duration and cost of treatment.